A Message – from the Mourne Mountains

Hello everyone, I’ve been absent and very much miss blogging and connecting with you all. It’s been so busy as I start my GCSE studies and the way the system works here, means that my exams are spread out instead of all at once. I’ve completed one and more are on the way. It’s not a bad system but it means that my thinking headspace is taken up at different times.

If you haven’t already heard – I have signed a publishing deal with Little Toller Books! I mentioned in passing that I’d love to turn my ideas and thoughts into a book. After much discussion, they suggested publishing ‘The Diary of a Young Naturalist’! I was stunned, I still am. They have faith in me, so my mornings and evenings are spent writing. It will be released in 2020 and I’m enjoying the process so much. I’m learning so much about language and words and feelings – of course it’s difficult, because it’s very personal; writing helps ease past pains… I won’t cliche further!

Signing the contract!

I’ve also taken up some interesting and exciting ambassador roles, I’ll share those over the next week or so. I promise I won’t leave it so long again!

A couple of images from my amazing new ‘patch’. It’s astoundingly beautiful and everything is so close, no more than a twenty minute drive!

The glowing view from Sliabh an Ime (Butter Mountain) part of the Majestic Mourne Mountains.

I also wanted to share a picture of the lower levels of Slieve Donard – too, a part of my now beloved Mourne Mountains. I have fallen so deeply in love with my new home. As I walked on top of these Oak and Beech root paths; I felt the magic of them grounding me, accepting my footfall as part of the landscape. I am now, as a local put it “A son of Mourne via Fermanagh” That was a welcome indeed!

Wild Wishes, ’til next time,


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12 Responses

  1. so lovely to read you have come through to find sound footing and dreams to incarnate….excited for the book!

  2. Hi Dara

    Thanks for going to London this week. I hear your talk was a great success at Kew.

    Best Regards


    Sent from my iPhone


  3. Thanks for the update Dara. it’s always a pleasure and inspiration to hear from you, and I am so exciting for your book. All the best with GCSEs and your writing. Keep it up

  4. Congratulations on the book deal! A great opportunity and a fantastic experience for you.
    Keep up with the study on the GCSE’s, although I think you’ll do well.
    Beautiful pictures, great places to really clear the mind.
    Take care, Heidi x

  5. Hello Dara, good to see you. I don’t know how GCSEs work, the whole system is to different from when and where I went to school, it’s really no comparison. Good luck with it.
    I’m glad you like your new area. I don’t know it, but I’ve heard much about the beauty of the Mourne Mountains. Definitely on my list of ‘places to visit at some point in my life’.

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