Author: Dara McAnulty


The last day of Winter?

The arrival of March and the beginnings of Spring is a time of eager waiting, emerging colour and a warmer sunlight. Today though I stood as if in a snow globe and felt the flakes biting away and snatching the brightness of the previous days. …

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Late Winter at Portmore Lough (featuring a Glossy Ibis)

The recent days seem to be full of all kinds of weather, one minute sunshine the next hail, snow and gusty winds; biting and snatching the coming of Spring. The transition of seasons. There are Spring hints everywhere though, catkins, buds, birdsong and primroses. …

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Ramble for Raptors – a hike to remember!

As I write this, the fire is blazing and darkness has fallen, but earlier in the day the sun sparkled in the sky and snowdrops bowed their heads, grateful for the warmth of early Spring. Last weekend couldn’t have been more different, weather and rest wise! …

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January News!

Hello everyone, January…my least favourite month to be fair. The (unnecessary) build up of Christmas helicopters us out of control and sometimes, some of us crash. I’ve had a pretty crazy month so far and so I thought I’d update you all on some unbelievable (to me) things which have surrounded me; the message I try to convey and the passion I endeavour to ‘catch on’. …

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Roosting Red Kites

As I sit in our warm kitchen, the memories of numb feet and face, those physical feelings were nothing compared to the warmth in my heart on that day, the day I watched Red Kites roost  over the Mourne Mountains. Once extinct in Ireland, now 200 years later, to see them soar and revolve through their once native skies is miraculous. …

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2017 – A year to remember.

2017 has been an incredible year, instead of doing a blog about what has passed, I decided to edit my ‘about me’ post and turn it into a blog. It puts things into perspective for me and will perhaps give more insight as to what spurred me to do what I do, why I do it and why it’s so important to me.

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Happy Christmas!

Wishing everyone a magical day, I’ve been up since 4.30! I received lots of cool presents from my family – including a scope for Birdwatching! Have a great day everyone and get outside to enjoy nature if you can! It’s a beautiful day! …

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A Solstice Garden – magical, even in suburbia!

Hello everyone!
I thought I would just share my winter Solstice blog from last year as I haven’t found time to write one for today.

Wishing all my readers solstice blessings; the light will get brighter with every passing day.

Dara  …

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Enchanted by Snow

Oh the marvel of a snow filled landscape, heavy clouds moving off to reveal crystal clear skies. The land becomes covered, but still baring charms and secrets. The unnerving eerie beauty, dampened sound; the changing air seems to slow down time. …

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Plastic Predator by Bláthnaid

Hello everyone, Bláthnaid wanted to write a blog today. We have all been watching Blue Planet II and experiencing very mixed feelings about the future our seas, oceans and coasts. The excitement of the stories that the animals tell us is amazing but also how they survive in an environment which is constantly being compromised by human hands is equally if not more so, despairing. …

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