30 Days Wild Day 06 – Birdwatching!

Hello everyone,

It’s Day 06 of 30 Days Wild and I have to admit that I’m finding it challenging to record and upload a video every day – but hey, I do love a challenge! I also hope that I have improved the way I communicate to a camera – even a minuscule amount. I certainly feel a little more relaxed with every video I make. The whole aim of this, is to improve my communication skills and share my passion and enthusiasm in another format.

Here’s my latest video :-

I hope you enjoy it!

Stay Wild


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3 Responses

  1. I was watching Swallows yesterday too. I was at West Kennet in Wiltshire, which is a Neolithic Long Barrow. A pair of swallows had made a nest inside the barrow and it was fascinating to watch them swooping in with a beak full of insects, they were certainly working hard feeding their chicks.

  2. Dara, we are missing the swallows here in Cornwall. There are normally many and I love to watch them. This year – along with much of the country it seems – we have almost none and see the few there are just occasionally. Are you noticing lower numbers too this year?

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