30 Days Wild – Day 18 – Wonderful Waterfowl Babies

Hi everyone, it’s Lorcan here for Day 18 of 30 Days Wild! The McAnulty Clann are going wild to catch up on our blogs and Bláthnaid has hers ready too, so it’s a bit of a blog marathon today!

Yesterday, we mostly relaxed in the garden as it was Father’s Day and dad wanted to plant his beans and peas and just potter around. We decided though, in the late evening, we would go for a walk by the lake. It’s amazing because it’s right in the middle of Enniskillen, beside a leisure centre and a bus station but it is a really lovely place and it was so sunny! We played football for a bit first, but you know you can actually spot wildlife wherever you are! There were swallows diving down low beside us as we played and Wood Pigeon and Hooded Crows foraged in the meadow and football pitch. Nature really is everywhere.

After we had released our energy we hung out by the jetty watching the Coots, Moorhens, Mallards and Swans with their chicks. They were absolutely lovely to watch. I took some more photographs.

From top left to bottom right – A Moorhen gently nudges its chick onto the water, how cute is the chick! Juvenile Moorhen looking very sleek. What I think is a male during moult (eclipse) – they usually look like females then? A definite male with its beautiful emerald crown. A swan family, they were absolutely lovely – but don’t get too close, especially when they have chicks!

It was a beautiful evening and a lovely way to end our very wild weekend, well every day is wild in the McAnulty house!

Thanks for reading

Lorcan McAnulty aged 11


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