A quick update and a little reflection

Summer has very much arrived, not perhaps in weather terms, as today the rain is streaming down the panes; but more in terms of time to do and time to think – from now on. I’ve had a whirlwind July and now it’s time to relax a little. 

I’ve been away for the past three weeks, the first with scouts and the latter two exploring Co Mayo with my family. It’s interesting because with all the Wild experiences my body has almost been in a state of adrenaline rush; with not much time for reflection or deep thinking (almost essential for me in order to keep moving forward in my writing). In fact I’ve been feeling quite overwhelmed since school finished, lack of structure (although Scouts helped with that a little) and camping for over three weeks has been strange and I almost felt sea sickness when I got home. Sensory overload…? I’ve had a lot of thoughts and ideas swirling around and I’m excited as to how they might pan out. 

I have had amazing times though and looking over my photos and notes will bring me back into line, into properly writing down my thoughts.

I look forward to sharing them with you once I’ve organised my mind. 

Dara ????

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3 Responses

  1. All in good time… I find change can be destabilising too – and writing/sorting and editing photos is calming. I found creating my own structure helps a lot too. Hope your ‘mind filing’ goes well.

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