A Wild Update – it’s been busy!

Greetings everyone and my sincerest apologies for not posting in a long time! I’m drafting a few other blogs about my new local patch and I can’t wait to share the beauty of my new landscape and all the amazing wildlife I’ve seen so far! It’s truly spectacular. In the meantime I’d like to share some exciting projects and news with you all.

On the 22nd September, I’ll be travelling with my mum to London for Chris Packham’s People’s Walk For Wildlife It’s going to be an incredible event to not only exult in the wildlife that we have but also to mourn what we have lost – it’s not going to be melancholy though because the experts in many different fields already have the answers and strategies to help our declining wildlife. We now need government action and a clearer path to help nature, landscapes and the complicated and equally valuable eco systems; which need to be in balance for biodiversity to thrive. I have been busily thinking of ways in which I can help – the first idea came unexpectedly in a flash of swirling thoughts – a poem! I wrote it and then performed (if you can call it that) a recording for my YouTube channel. I’d love your thoughts and feedback!

The second idea took a little more planning and relied on the help of my friends! A collaborative video full of passion, inspiration and the hopes and dreams of fellow young naturalists! I didn’t choose them – they were just the people I interact most with on Twitter. I invited a couple of others but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea! It was a wonderful joint project which technically required the help of my good friend and fellow naturalist Charlotte aka Howling Flames! I’m so grateful for her support and abilities. Thank you to all the other young people for their wonderful expressions of hope and concern for our threatened wildlife. Here it is :-

All those who took part – Alex White Bella Lack Rebecca’s Butterfly Farm James McCulloch James Miller Mya Bambrick Lucy Michael Sinclair and Zach Haynes

In other news, last week I went to London to a very glitzy ceremony and inspirational event to collect a Young Animal Hero Award! The awards are sponsored by The Daily Mirror, Webbox Pet Foods and RSPCA! It was an overwhelming night celebrating animal bravery and human compassion and motivation to protect animals and wildlife! I’ll write more about this in another blog post when I have the film they made! Here are some photos of the night – the highlights were meeting Amanda Holden and Steve Backshall, who presented me with my award. Amazingly, talking with Dr Jane Goodall who hugged me as tenderly as one of the chimpanzees she studied! It was a privilege, an honour and an experience I’ll never forget!

I also met some beautiful dogs including Finn and his handler Dave

…and Scarlett the Beagle ambassador for the campaign against animal testing and award winner on the night!

(Apologies for the bad photo – my dad took it 😉

Work is progressing slowly on my book, with so many distractions and upheaval, it’s been so difficult to concentrate. I’m getting there though and my editor is very supportive and understands the limitations of my age! I’m starting my GCSES this year and I’ll be completing one science and maths in one year – it’s the way my new school operates and the challenge is very exciting, if a bit bonkers! I’ll keep you all posted as I go!

It feels so lovely writing my blog again, releasing some more characters that can fit in a Tweet! Hoping you are all well – I’d love to know what you’re all up to?!

Thanks as always for reading, encouraging and supporting me!


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19 Responses

  1. Congratulations on your award Dara! It couldn’t be better deserved. Your new patch looks stunning. I’ll look forward to reading your blogs about it. Keep plugging away with the book writing, – you’ll get there eventually and I’ll be straight out to buy a copy. I can’t make it to the Walk for Wildlife but will be with you all in spirit. The best of luck with everything.

  2. Congratulations once again. It is so hopeful to see so many young people passionate about protecting nature and wildlife. It is good to know your thoughts and what you have been up to, but there is no need to apologise for not blogging, we know you are busy doing good work 🙂

  3. What a busy – and useful – life you lead! I love the poem and I feel so encouraged that you’ve gathered all these nature lovers around you. Thank you. Congratulations on the well deserved award – and KEEP GOING. The Earth needs you.

  4. Dear Dara, Your poem is so poignant, but ultimately uplifting. You are an inspiration and thank goodness we have youth like you and your friends to save the planet for the future. You are awesome. I love following your twitter comments.

  5. Lovely to read your blog again, Dara, thank you. Congratulations on the award; what a brilliant role model you are for our youngsters. Can’t get to the Walk, I’m afraid, but have signed the ‘Wall’ in support. The video should be compulsory view in Westminster!

  6. Wonderful to see your blog again Dara. It wounds like you are settling into your new patch. I have been able to take some photos through the window of the deer and her two growing fawns, but still unpacking so not had a chance to merge with my new orchard or garden.
    Congratulations on the award. You poem is passionate and terrifying and needs to be heard by those whom we as adults have invested with the power to make decisions, change courses and rule on behlaf of all of us not just a few. You are truly and inspiration, even to us older folk. Keep up the good work and hope all goes well for your GCSEs.

  7. I’ve been thinking of you, with the new school year starting, I thought it can’t be easy starting at a new school. I never changed schools as such, but I once spent a term at a Canadian high school, so I can imagine a bit what it’s like. Hope things are working out fine for you. Anyway, I look forward to hearing about your new local patch!

  8. Lovely to read your latest blog post, with so much good news. What a year you’re having. Hoping to get to the Walk for Wildlife on 22nd. Would be great to meet you, but expect there’ll be thousands of people there.

  9. Great content and fantastic video from all your friends promoting the walk. Hope all goes well and it is well supported. Congratulations on your award, I am sure you will win and deserve many more in the future.

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