There is nothing quite like it, when the days are full of slanted light, when the landscape is ablaze with colour. When the mist blurs mysteriously and nature sings its lullaby, lulling the hibernators to a deep torpor. Conkers, the crunch of russet leaves, fabulous fungi (I’m writing another blog on this!), migrating birds, the deer rutting season and the harvest. It’s all happening in Autumn!


It has been really amazing to walk among Autumn and savour the delights it brings. We have been rambling, watching wildlife and taking in all its sensory elements; the palette, the smell of leaves underfoot and of course, its much easier to spot the birds when the branches are bare! It’s a cosy time, a time for blankets, reading and fires. It’s also a time for going mad and jumping about in the crisp leaves and of course getting really close to nature.


When it’s dark and the nights have been drawing in, it has been absolutely beautiful to lie down and read a beautiful book, all about Autumn!!

This stunning anthology has been compiled by author, writer and fellow Tweeter, Melissa Harrison Melissa is just lovely and I always enjoy our little conversations on Twitter! When you touch on a subject she’s passionate about, Melissa is really encouraging. Needless to say, I was really excited to read this and also read pieces by other bloggers who I really admire and share thoughts with on Twitter. I loved Jo Cartnell’s piece on Bank Voles and Tawny Owls. It completely transported me to Abbey Fishponds on that misty dawn; just beautiful. You should check out Jo on Twitter, she is a lovely person.Megan Shersby’s piece on her Autumnal walk was totally colourful and really conjured up Autumn. Megan is really involved with A Focus On Nature and has been really a great support to me, please check her work out.  My favourite poem in the book was ‘The Wild Swans of Coole’ by W.B. Yeats (1865-1939), an Irish poet and playwright who has left us a huge legacy and amazing works of literature. The poem to me, reflects the ever-changing world and how we must treasure beauty when we see it. I really love it! There were so many diverse pieces of writing, both from the past and the present. Writers, perhaps that may not have been published on their own, have come together in a community within the pages and the ether of Twitter and the internet. Some of the writing went a bit over my head, but I could still get the ‘feeling’ and I’m only 12!!  It really is a work of great beauty. Each piece of writing brought me somewhere different, stirred memories, evoked feelings, taste, smell. It was a sensory experience and an inspiring journey through Autumnal experiences. There ae actually three other Anthologies, depicting all four seasons too and funds raised will go towards the brilliant work of The Wildlife Trusts! Winter has just been released and I can’t wait to read it. Thank you Melissa and Elliot and Thompson books, for this truly stunning devotion to all things seasonal.

We had another trip to our favourite place, Gortmaconnel Rock and the air was just full of Autumn, the peat bog shone and the uplands were a maze of glorious heather and gorse. We were just climbing to the top, when I noticed a bird on a rock that looked too big for the Meadow Pipit which are common here. I zoomed in and to my delight, spotted a lovely Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) It was of the Greenland race, judging by the deep russet colour of its breast. It was with another bird and they sang their little hearts out and hopped about the rocks. They are part of the Chats and Thrushes family, are common in the uplands and feed on insects and larvae.


We were also greeted by the haunting call of around seven majestic Ravens (Corvus corax). Ravens are symbolic of warfare and battlegrounds; The Morrígan  and Badbh in Celtic Mythology, appeared on the battlegrounds including The Battle of Clontarf (1014). Actually, in Irish legend, Morrígan settled on the shoulder of Cú Chulainn and that is how his death was declared. In other cultures they are a symbol of good luck and were the messengers of Apollo and Odin, in the mortal world.


In my other blogs you can also read of our other Autumnal adventures with Bats and Red Squirrels! It has been a really special few weeks, making the transition between summer and school much more bearable!

Here are a few more photographs of our walks around beautiful Fermanagh.


I hope you enjoy the fruits of Autumn as much as I do, I’m hoping to go to Crom soon for the deer rutting season and I’m also really excited to start some exciting wildlife projects at school! Something really cool happened yesterday, I got my first A in English! One of the (many) reasons I started this blog was to improve my creative writing, to unlock the thoughts that were in my mind. It looks like I’m getting there! Today, I also won The Kids Blog Club blogger of the week! It’s been a heavy two weeks of exams, so I’m happy to hopefully relax and look forward to some more nature time, especially at half-term the week after next!

Thanks, as always, for reading and all your support and advice so far. I hope you enjoy some Autumnal delights too, please share your favourites!




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11 Responses

  1. Congratulations on your A, Dara! I certainly find your writing inspirational. Enjoy half-term, hope the weather’s good!

  2. Beautiful! And such lovely photos! Just to let you know though, the link you uploaded to #ChasingNature didn’t work – had to find the one you linked up by searching for it, so if you’re wondering why people haven’t commented, that’s why!

    #ChasingNature x

  3. Your writing is just beautiful and I can’t believe it is written by a 12 year old. You have a real talent for describing the beauty of the natural world and I look forward to reading more from you. Thank you for sharing with us at #ChasingNature

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