Diary of a Young Naturalist – The Bucket Pond

17.05.18 My garden. Full sun, feels like summer.

I remember the day when we filled the bucket with stones, old bits of clay pot and collected rain water. We added a cup full of older pond water and some native oxygenators to the cauldron and the magic brew grew life. Water Fleas. Within a week, snails. Then water beetles. Then Dragonfly nymph and then, the holy grail, tadpoles!

Dragonfly larvae!

Our birds drink and bathe in our wee magic cauldron, our humble abode for nature. It’s so simple and anyone can do it.

This year, we mourned our frogspawn growing white, we thought they had all died; but under the surface metamorphosis was alive and well and this week we saw five whole tadpoles! Squiggly squirming teardrop shapes eating algae from the side of our potion pot of magic.

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You can brew your own cauldron and magic, will surely happen! On this warm Spring evening, watching life in a bucket on your doorstep is pure enchantment. Yes, it absolutely is!

Thanks for reading


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6 Responses

  1. Inspiring! Will definately have a go at making one of these in our garden. Have fun watching g those tadpoles transform.

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