The skies opened a couple of days ago and sheets of watery downpours are feeding the land. I await the green to return and the parched, brittle browns to give way. Thank you all for your generous well wishes after my last blog post. I’m sorry I can’t reply to them all as I usually do.

In the depths of confusion and heavy heartedness a Hawthorn Shield Bug landed on my hand during a break in the rain. I stood and watched it rest awhile, its verdant antennas twitching; before flitting off. It was a gratefully received interlude on my journey towards familiarity and joy. I have become determined to not let my anxieties get in the way of doing the things I love, especially appreciating the beauty close to doorstep. For now, that has to be enough.

Thank you all for your kindness.


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7 Responses

  1. What a lovely story Dara, insects are so powerful and instantly uplifting creatures, surrounding us in their millions! How appropriate that it landed right on your hand : ) Wishing you every happiness ahead.

  2. Don’t you love when insects appear to accept you as part of nature and land on you? I had a jumping spider running along my leg the other day and I was completely enchanted as I watched it. Yesterday I found my very first teneral damselfly in my pond which means it grew up as a larva there! An exciting day when all my work to create habitat for aquatic animals proved to be fruitful.

    Best wishes Dara!

  3. I like the way you write. I wish I could be more crisp and concise too.

    I love shield bugs. I used to work in an open plan office in a city centre and had about 30 plants on my desk. A shield bug must have ridden in on somebody’s coat once and it ended up on my desk amongst the green oasis. I rescued it and took it out to the nearest herbaceous border in the Peace Gardens, which was thankfully very close to where I worked (Sheffield).

    I’m glad you like them too????

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