Ramble For Raptors – Project ‘Hawk Eyes’ Update

Hello everyone, I just thought I’d update everyone on plans for the raptor satellite tagging project ‘Hawk Eyes’! It’s been over a month now since I completed my 45km and it already seems so far away, exciting plans are happening though.

I’ve been reading and reading all about field work, raptor surveying and we have been laying down some really exciting plans on how I can be involved – the project itself will of course be managed by Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group‘s Dr Eimear Rooney and Dr Marc Ruddock, they are amazing scientists and I’m so interested in how things progress – whilst also trying to contain my own desire to learn, they have an important job to do now and it’s going to take a lot of planning and sensitivity. Wildlife crime is an issue which requires diplomacy and careful planning. An update will be coming from them soon.

I have learned a lot since coming forward with the idea to raise the money for the satellite tags. I have gained knowledge on ethics, animal welfare and a lot of self growth including patience and self belief. As I passed the funds (£6.1k) onto NIRSG I felt incredibly proud. This will be a very dynamic project with lots of public engagement and as soon as I have more news, I’ll be delighted to share it with you all. We want the best of everything; people involved and technology – current advances are in the works and it’s an exciting time for more reliability and accuracy. I’m really excited to see what unfolds.

As for me, well, Hen Harrier breeding season is just around the corner and I’ll be out on our ‘patch’ surveying and chronicling any sightings and activity. I’m really hoping for some marvellous encounters with this magnificent bird again. I was incredibly lucky last year to see not only individuals but also family groups!

I’m also going to be doing some ‘training’ with NIRSG which I can hardly contain my excitement about – but you’ll just have to wait and see to read all about it!!

Thank you so much again, to everyone who donated or shared the campaign, I really appreciate everyone’s gratitude and support!

Thanks for reading


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5 Responses

  1. Looking forward to your future posts on this, Dara. Looks like you’re going to have a very busy summer! One of the big results of your work is that the message about Raptor Persecution is spreading. Enjoy the training and involvement.

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