The arrival of March and the beginnings of Spring is a time of eager waiting, emerging colour and a warmer sunlight. Today though I stood as if in a snow globe and felt the flakes biting away and snatching the brightness of the previous days. This cold snap brings with it a really tough time for our garden birds. Just a few days ago our blue tits were prospecting the nest boxes and the birdsong in the garden, a wonderful symphony of anticipation.

At the weekend we really felt the whispering of warmer days and we spent much of the time up a majestic Oak tree at my dad’s place of work. Sitting amongst its ancient branches was pure joy. I feel like I am clinging on to childhood by a thread…and deep down I long for the power of Pan. It’s a challenging time for sure.

I have been using the extra light after school to watch and photograph our growing garden visitors. Topping up the feeders and making sure that the water isn’t frozen. This is so important to our fragile avian friends, who give us so much joy every day.

From top – Dunnock, Collared Dove, Female Siskin and Male Siskin, Male Chaffinch.

The Robins have been skirmishing and one in particular has been lording around the garden, aggressively chasing off any possible territorial usurpers!

I hope everyone is keeping well and safe.

Great advice here from RSPB on how to create a safe environment for our birds in these adverse weather conditions.

Thanks for reading


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9 Responses

  1. Lovely pictures, I liked the dunnock especially, one of my favourite birds.
    I think that if you keep clinging on to childhood, you will never lose it. Of course you are growing up, and you change, but many of the things one might describe as ‘child-like’ you can keep within you. There is a phrase from the bible that people like to quote about ‘putting away childish things’, but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to put them away. You can keep them with you, and they can bring you joy throughout the course of your life.
    Sorry for the ‘heavy’ comment, but your line about clinging onto childhood by a thread really touched me!

    1. Thank you so much. Please don’t be sorry, I appreciated your thoughts a lot and I agree. My parents have their inner child intact – enthusiasm and curiosity – and I know I will when I’m older too…it almost feels like society tries to claw it away from us. I don’t do societal norms so I’ll be fine perhaps!


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