30 Days Wild Day 10 – Rock pooling

Hello everyone, it has been a really busy weekend and I’m writing Day 10, a day late. We had a wonderful sunny weekend in South Co Down, it was full of wildlife both land, sea and sky. For my latest video we explored a rock pool in Cranfield beach. We chose just one pool, it’s easier to remember which area held the animals you took out to observe – they should always be placed back wherever they came from. It is important to do that.

Here’s the video :-


I also got some really great news last week which was released yesterday. I won third prize in New Nature’s writing competition! My piece ‘Embodiment of Spring’, was a heartfelt evocation of the season – both present and past. When I wrote the piece, it was early morning and the words spilled out, as they so often do; from head to heart to hand. The competition was open to the world and up to the age of 30, so to say I was shocked and surprised was an understatement!

I’m so privileged and honoured to receive such kind words from Robert MacFarlane too!

I think that after 30 Days Wild is finished, I’ll stick to writing. I have lots of plans and exciting ideas!

Thanks as always for your support and encouragement. My blog is almost two years old; every day has been a pleasure, and an odyssey of connection and knowledge.


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8 Responses

  1. Many congratulations, Dara, on winning your prize in New Nature’s competition! A great achievement. And thanks for doing all the videos, which is also another big achievement, as it takes you out of your ‘comfort zone’. But you have come on so much since you started them. I hope you carry on to the end of the 3o days, so enjoying them, and still do some video in the future, even if your true forte is the written word.

  2. Congratulations Dara! What a great achievement! It may be that writing is your milieu, but it’s so impressive that you continue to push yourself into exploring other areas too 🙂

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